Soundproofing Materials in Kenya

Soundproofing materials knauf insulation 01
knauf Insulation

Soundproofing or sound insulation. Loosely packed fiber provides excellent sound absorption, which is a factor in soundproofing, albeit a minor one. Standard fiberglass insulation is as effective as mineral wool, and much less costly. Foams give great thermal insulation but are actually poor for soundproofing.


We supplies AMF, Armstrong acoustic Ceilings and a full line of soundproofing, noise control, and sound reduction solutions as well as installation services in Nairobi and other parts of Kenya. Our sound proofing products allow professional contractors and interior designers, businesses and property owners, to reduce the noise that travels from one room to another. We have a variety of solutions for walls, ceilings, and floors that can be used individually or combined for greater results.

Whether you have an office with echo sounds or booming boardroom, a home theater with the nice surround sound, a night club, a gym, a Church or something in between, Gypsum Ceiling Kenya has the sound proofing solution you need. We offer a range of acoustic insulation that can be used to soundproof floors, soundproof walls and soundproof ceilings. Acoustic insulation should be used to increase the airborne noise reduction between rooms, sound insulation slabs are produced to a higher density than thermal insulation, when you are using insulation to soundproof a room an acoustic slab should be used rather than thermal insulation.

Sound Insulation Benefits

Preventing the transfer of unwanted sound to adjoining areas is a key consideration when designing a building, specifically when taking into account the intended activities of the occupants in the various parts of the building. For example, a building containing office spaces adjacent to manufacturing facilities requires more noise-reducing features than are typically necessary in a building that has only office space in it.

Acoustic insulation is widely regarded as the best way of reducing airborne noise transferring through cavities and voids. Use acoustic insulation inside floor and ceiling cavities to reduce the transfer of airborne sound. Our insulation will friction fit so no need for additional fixings. Increase the sound insulation of stud walls and party walls by using acoustic insulation inside timber or metal studs to increase the mass of light weight separating walls, block and absorb the sound as it passes through the structure.

Gypsum board wall and ceilings systems effectively help control sound transmission. Some construction techniques and gypsum board building systems that are successfully used for sound isolation and control

Gypsum Ceiling Supplies also carries a wide array of Germany technology acoustic panels and treatments. Our acoustic solutions are perfect for restaurants with lots of hard surfaces where reverberating noise diminishes the natural ambiance. Acoustic solutions can dampen workplace noise in offices and conference rooms to increase productivity. We also sells acoustic panels well known in music studios and practice rooms. If you need to tame reverberations or increase the sound quality of your room, we have the materials to help with your acoustical problems.

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