Concrete Waterbar Price

Looking for Concrete Waterbar price in Kenya? Also known us a waterstop

A water bar is a material used in construction to prevent water leakage through concrete joints. Concrete joints, typically found in structures like basements, tunnels, dams, and water treatment plants, are vulnerable to water infiltration due to their inherent weaknesses. Concrete Waterbar are made from high quality PVC material embedded concrete at the joint to create a physical barrier that blocks the passage of water. By doing so, waterbar ensure the integrity and longevity of the structure, safeguarding it against potential water damage and corrosion. Their design varies to accommodate different joint movements and environmental conditions, making them an essential element in waterproofing strategies. Buy waterbar waterstop products at Gypsum Ceiling Supplies

We have several types of Concrete Waterbar used for different applications. They include;

  • Waterstop V160*30m
  • Waterbar V200*25m
  • Waterbar V250*25m
  • Waterbar 0200*15m
  • Waterbar 0250*15m
  • Watebar 20mm*5mm*20mm
  • Heater Blade (Also Available)