AMF Acoustic Ceiling

The ceiling as a functional element

 A ceiling can make a significant contribution to room acoustics. The traditional choice for architects of smooth materials with low sound absorption or perforated materials with high sound absorption is now in the past. Today, acoustic ceilings from AMF THERMATEX combine high sound attenuation and high absorption values with a highly desired smooth surface finish.  The different acoustic performances of the AMF THERMATEX products enable offices, meeting rooms, sales rooms, foyers, corridors, class rooms, auditoriums and cinemas to become sound optimized zones.

When sound becomes noise

Sound is audible, mechanical vibrations of matter. The movement of air particles creates pressure waves. The number of air pressure waves per second is known as sound frequency. Frequency; 1 oscillation per second=1Hz

A person`s ability to hear lies within the range from 16 to 20,000Hz. The deteriorates progressively with age especially at high frequencies. Noise is defined primarily by the volume. It is measured in decibels(dB) and affects the body, mind and soul. Too much noise or long-term exposure can lead to lack of concentration, nervousness, cardiovascular problems, sleeping disorders and reduction in the ability to learn, amongst other problems.

Sound attenuation                                                     

The ceiling contributes to the transmission of sound between rooms, as do all components. It is therefore necessary that the ceiling materials achieves the highest possible sound attenuation values. Unlike sound attenuation values, this is not a problem of optimization, but rather one of maximizing. Knauf AMF sound protective ceilings achieve high sound attenuation values and are therefore ideally suited to reducing transmission between rooms.

Sound absorption

Sound absorption is responsible for ‘‘audibility’’ in a room. It dictates if a room appears ‘‘reverberant’’ or how loud a sound source seems. How do we define ‘‘sound absorption’’?

Sound absorptions refers to the reduction of sound energy in a room though a sound wave losing energy through component surfaces. The energy of sound waves is absorbed or reflected from boundary surfaces as well as objects and people within a room. The appropriate sound absorption ensures that the sound in a room is perceived as louder or quitter. The ability of a material to ‘‘swallow’’ sound waves depends on the material composition. Porous, open-

cell or perforated materials normally absorb sound very well. ‘‘Good audibility’’ describes the conditions in a room that enable the best possible transmission from a sound source to a listener.

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